Hi again Ms. Trasancos - - I have been trying to get back to this post, but I am not very good at this sort of email (Substack, etc.). I hope this comment goes through, because others did not. I want to share with you the results of my research into the Miracle. I wrote this after many hours of study gathering all the info I could find.

This does not answer your requirement of modern-day scientific "custody" of samples, etc. It is, however, the proof that God gives us. After 80 years of following Him, and looking for the type of proof that you seek, I now realize that He does not work to our standards.

He must always remain "hidden in plain sight", so His proofs must allow for our Faith to play a part as we use our gift of free will choice. (So, those who are looking for a chance to reject Him will have plenty of opportunities.) As a result, He gives us plenty of good, solid reasons to believe Him, but only by our free will choice. (Not as absolute "clinchers".)

Here is that paper:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eENi4gM5gykx09QF24Xru4cBzqWDH49Hs3kEwNLKE98/edit?tab=t.0

Here are two books I found to be of great help:

1. Eucharistic Miracle of Lanciano (Fr. N. Nasuti, OFM Conv.)

2. Eucharistic Miracle (B. Sammaciccia)

Here is a website that I found to be of great help: https://www.traditioninaction.org/HotTopics/f061_Lanciano.htm

There is also a new series just starting which explains miracles:


There is also an article on Catholic Answers.com about our difficulties with understanding the test results of His DNA.

I hope that all this will be of some help in your search. I have found your essays to be of great interest over the years, and encourage you to persevere in you writing.

All the Best,


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Thank you for your reply. About 5 years ago, I was heavily invested in researching this astounding miracle. I was stunned that the samples taken by Dr. Linoli were found to be as if they had just been drawn! (even though they were both over 1000 years old!) I will look back at my notes, and if I find anything that might be helpful I will send it along.

The DNA presents a unique problem. I have read from several good sources (including Catholic Answers.com I think) that His Mother was human, so contributed to His DNA. His Father was not human, so did not contribute. Just another fascinating aspect of the One True Lining God so He can always remain "hidden in plain sight".

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Great Article, thanks. The data you seek is available from the research reports of Dr. E. Linoli (et al) done in the early 1970's. It was done on the ORIGINAL Eucharistic Miracle!

This miracle happened around 750 and in Lanciano, Italy. Dr. Linoli's research was conducted on THAT SAME EUCHARIST! (now housed in the church of St. Francis in Lanciano). You can even go there and see that miraculous eucharist yourself.

He published his results and gave it to Pope Paul VI for safe keeping. I have read two books about that research, and the results are stunning.

Thanks, again.

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Yes, thank you! I have the English translation of that report. The issue with Lanciano is that the historical account begins in 1574 about eight hundred years after the miracle is said to have happened, and there is no chain of custody for the samples. A genetic test would put the issue to rest, though. The DNA will either match all the other samples or not.

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Stacy, thank you for taking the time (who has much of that anymore) to work on investigating these Eucharistic “miracles”. I agree with you concerning faith in the reality of the Eucharist, and the creator’s power to do as He pleases, but as scientist (paleontology, biology and prehistoric archeology) I too have never been satisfied with the data. Knowing me as a scientist and a devout Catholic, a friend of agnostic persuasion, once asked me how I understood the Eucharist. I told her to think of it this way: the wine and bread are Jesus as those two common things; the wine and bread are Jesus ultimately and only bread and wine as created substances. She got the point and was satisfied with the explanation.

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Keep on Jakiing.

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